Can You Say It Five Times Fast?

Jen Robinson has an update on her Cool Girls of Children’s Literature list—now 144 characters strong! She also wrote a great roundup post this weekend, chock full o’ links to interesting reading in the kidlitosphere. Kidlitosphere. Kidlitosphere. I just made that up. I know, because:


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Yes, I am that big a geek. And yes, I know it is a silly, silly word. I like it anyway.

8 thoughts on “Can You Say It Five Times Fast?”

  1. I think that it has a very nice ring to it (kidlitosphere). For me, it’s the world that I want to live in, though I doubt I could say it five times fast. Thanks for the link, by the way. Your referred visitors definitely helped to get the list to 200 (and already slipping past that – cool girls really capture the imagination).

  2. I just thought of this post and googled kidlitosphere. It’s up to 11,900!

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