Read ‘Em and Weep

When it comes to blog-reading, if there’s anything I love more than a good laugh, it’s a good cry. Don’t you just love posts that make you cry? The tearjerkers, the heartwrenchers; the stories that inspire you, move you, leave you in awe of another person’s courage or generosity of spirit?

I thought it might be fun to try something new here at The Lilting House. I would like to invite you to share the posts that have touched your heart during the past week. You can use the nifty Mr. Linky widget below to enter the URLs. It’s fine to enter your own post; if you’ve written something lovely, please don’t be too shy to share!

Here’s how we’ll work it: Where it says "Your name" in the widget below, enter the name of the post, followed by the blog title in parentheses. Like this:

A Promise Delayed (Cottage Blessings).

Then enter the post URL in the next box. Make sure you use the post’s permalink, not the main blog address. Like this: a_promise_delay.html

Not just this:

(For Blogger blogs, you can get to the permalink by clicking on the time stamp beneath the post.)

And if you have entered someone else’s post, please leave us a comment letting us know whom to thank for passing along the beauty!

I’ll enter a few to get the ball rolling…