Red Carpet Treatment

What it boils down to is that people are really, really nice wherever you go. First my Virginia friends Lisa and Sarah put their own lives on hold for a month to help me pack our house in Scott’s absence. Now here I am in So. Cal. with a whole new crop of friends opening their doors and arms in hospitality. It’s awesome. Way to make a girl feel welcome!

On Saturday, my pal Erica organized a little welcome-to-San-Diego party for our family. And by "little" I mean "very big." Eight or nine families and enough food to sink the Love Boat. See what I mean by AWESOME? Five hours of face-stuffing and good conversation at the home of our new friend Matthew Lickona, author of Swimming With Scapulars—a book Elizabeth has been enthusiastically recommending to me for a year, and which I can’t wait to read. I’ll have to wrestle our copy away from Scott first.

Matthew and his wife generously opened their home to Scott during his first weeks in California. He had just arrived, and they were going on vacation and offered to let him stay at their place while they were away. "Our friend knows your wife from the internet? Come on over! Our house is your house!"


We loved the Lickona gang instantly, along with the rest of the party guests: smart, dynamic, joyful families with loads of sweet little kids. This is a great community. Now if I could just get certain Virginians and New Yorkers to relocate…hey girls, I have POPPIES on my patio right now! In November!

3 thoughts on “Red Carpet Treatment”

  1. Glad that the move is turning out so well. I laughed out loud at “Our friend knows your wife from the internet? Come on over! Our house is your house!” But I think it’s great!

  2. It was a wonderful welcome indeed! We had a great time and are very glad to have met you and your family. We hope to get to know you better. Soon you will be spoiled by the weather and San Diego will feel like home. Welcome to the neighborhood!

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