Castle of the Immaculate is sharing some good stuff on Elgar. I looooove the Elgar cello concerto. We’ll be jumping right on this bandwagon, with gratitude for the links and information. Always nice when another mom does my homework for me. Thanks, Helen.
Another wonderful music resource: Ambleside’s composer study page.
Charlotte Mason on music appreciation:
With Musical Appreciation the case is different; and we cannot do better than quote from an address made by Mrs. Howard Glover at the Ambleside Conference of the Parents’ Union, 1922:––
"Musical Appreciation––which is so much before the eye at the present moment––originated in the P.N.E.U. about twenty-five years ago. At that time I was playing to my little child much of the best music in which I was interested, and Miss Mason happened to hear of what I was doing. She realised that music might give great joy and interest to the life of all, and she felt that just as children in the P.U.S. were given the greatest literature and art, so they should have the greatest music as well. She asked me to write an article In the Review on the result of my observations, and to make a programme of music each term which might be played to the children. From that day to this, at the beginning of every term a programme has appeared; thus began a movement which was to spread far and wide.
"Musical Appreciation, of course, has nothing to do with playing the piano. It used to be thought that ‘learning music’ must mean this, and it was supposed that children who had no talent for playing were unmusical and would not like concerts. But Musical Appreciation had no more to do with playing an instrument than acting had to do with an appreciation of Shakespeare, or painting with enjoyment of pictures. I think that all children should take Musical Appreciation and not only the musical ones, for it has been proved that only three per cent of children are what is called ‘tone-deaf’; and if they are taken at an early age it is astonishing how children who appear to be without ear, develop it and are able to enjoy listening to music with understanding."
(Vol 6 pg 218)
Melissa Wiley on music appreciation (LOL): Easiest thing in the world. Pick a piece of music and play it often. Tell your kids what it’s called, and drop in some interesting biographical information over dinner or while doing dishes. Pick out some good rousing housecleaning music (Beethoven and Tschaikovsky work for me; so does Aretha Franklin) and some lively breakfast music. Mellow and soothing is perhaps better for dinnertime. But really, just loving the music yourself and playing it often, naming it, discussing the composer and the instruments: it’s easy and pleasant to encourage a taste for fine music. In our house, that ranges from Celtic tunes to the Beatles, Shostakovich (Daddy’s favorite) to Springsteen.
This is exactly how my own mother handled music appreciation when I was growing up. Of course, my mom has incredibly (to put it mildly!) eclectic tastes and it was the ’70s, so I heard everything from Flight of the Bumblebee to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, Beethoven to Berlin to Ozzy Osborne…yeah, you get the idea. *chuckle* Long before either of us had a clue what “homeschooling” was, my ma was doing it. (We like to say I “ATTENDED public and DoD schools, but LEARNED at home”. heehee)
This is exactly how I then handled the issue in my own home, first with my (then) step-daughter and then with my own Little. Turns out that the Baby Einstein soundtracks can be delicious for this sort of thing if you’ve got a wee one. When my baby girl would go to Gramma’s, she’d be asked “do you want to hear Baby Beethoven or rock and roll?” She actually placed requests by humming part of Beethoven’s 5th when she was just starting solid food. (Then again, her way of saying, Yeah, Gramma, let’s do the rock thing was to bounce around and “headbang” like Gramma did. THANKS, Ma!)
Ah yes, the “hum hum hum hummmmmmm” meant classical, and the head banging did mean rock, though I have to admit I did try to get her to “bum bum bum, bum bum babum” of Smoke on the Water! Not that I would encourage my grandchild to be more than a tad unusual. No, of course not, not this Gramma!
This is how we do music study, too! 🙂