All righty, it’s time to give away those planners. Remember, I have two more planners (the Bizzi2Go and the Tan Books 2008 Saints Planner) to give away later this week, as soon as I have a second to write up the reviews.
I used a random number generator to determine the winner of the two FamilyTimeMine planners. The first winner is…Andrea!
Winner #2 is (drumroll) MamaLion. Congratulations, ladies!
Andrea, since your number came up first, you get first choice of size. Let me know if you’d like the 8 1/2 x 11" version or the 5 1/2 x 8".
Email me your addresses and I’ll try to get them in the mail during Wednesday’s piano lessons. And thank you to all who participated.
Oh, and happy birthday to commenter and friend Elizabeth M, who has very good taste in birthdays. 😉 Sorry you didn’t win, Elizabeth, but I hope you got lots of other good presents today!
All righty, I’m off to eat some of my mother’s famous cake.
Happy Birthday, Lissa!
You have a great birthday–it’s also Jane Austen’s and Beethoven’s!
And I loved what Scott wrote about you on his blog. 🙂
Many, many happy returns of the day (even though it’s night now!). Enjoy your cake 🙂
Hi, Melissa 🙂 I’ve visited your site plenty of times before, but never really took the time to “tour” it. With our school term done and little ones napping this afternoon, I took a little extra time to read a few blogs. Yours was one of them.
I had wondered before about the “Tidal Learning” tab at the top of your page. Today I clicked on it 🙂 What a blessing! I love, love, love CM, but I don’t want to always be so structured with our schooling. I have children that listen to Bach and read The Swiss Family Robinson in their free time, for pity’s sake! We can flex a little!
I justed you to know that it really helped me to know there was another mom who felt comfortable swinging between two rather different approaches. For me, the swinging will most likely be between a structured CM phase and a relaxed-eclectic-with-heavy-CM-leanings phase. And, like you, that relaxed part is most definitely happening in the spring! 🙂 Now, when I look at my Ao booklist for the week and I’m just not feeling like it’s where we are right now, I can think of you, smile, and yell out, “LOw tide, y’all!!!” 🙂
Thanks for the blessing.
Hi, Melissa 🙂 I’ve visited your site plenty of times before, but never really took the time to “tour” it. With our school term done and little ones napping this afternoon, I took a little extra time to read a few blogs. Yours was one of them.
I had wondered before about the “Tidal Learning” tab at the top of your page. Today I clicked on it 🙂 What a blessing! I love, love, love CM, but I don’t want to always be so structured with our schooling. I have children that listen to Bach and read The Swiss Family Robinson in their free time, for pity’s sake! We can flex a little!
I justed you to know that it really helped me to know there was another mom who felt comfortable swinging between two rather different approaches. For me, the swinging will most likely be between a structured CM phase and a relaxed-eclectic-with-heavy-CM-leanings phase. And, like you, that relaxed part is most definitely happening in the spring! 🙂 Now, when I look at my Ao booklist for the week and I’m just not feeling like it’s where we are right now, I can think of you, smile, and yell out, “LOw tide, y’all!!!” 🙂
Thanks for the blessing.
Hi, Melissa 🙂 I’ve visited your site plenty of times before, but never really took the time to “tour” it. With our school term done and little ones napping this afternoon, I took a little extra time to read a few blogs. Yours was one of them.
I had wondered before about the “Tidal Learning” tab at the top of your page. Today I clicked on it 🙂 What a blessing! I love, love, love CM, but I don’t want to always be so structured with our schooling. I have children that listen to Bach and read The Swiss Family Robinson in their free time, for pity’s sake! We can flex a little!
I justed you to know that it really helped me to know there was another mom who felt comfortable swinging between two rather different approaches. For me, the swinging will most likely be between a structured CM phase and a relaxed-eclectic-with-heavy-CM-leanings phase. And, like you, that relaxed part is most definitely happening in the spring! 🙂 Now, when I look at my Ao booklist for the week and I’m just not feeling like it’s where we are right now, I can think of you, smile, and yell out, “LOw tide, y’all!!!” 🙂
Thanks for the blessing.
I’m usually late with cards, too!
Happy Birthday!