I’ve mentioned the Captioned Media Program before, but it’s a topic that bears revisiting. Now called the Described and Captioned Media Program, this organization is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Its mission is "to promote and provide equal access to communication
and learning for students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind." The DCMP maintains a clearinghouse for information about all aspects of life with these disabilities and a huge lending library of videos and DVDs on all topics—captioned for the deaf and hard of hearing, or on audio for the blind. Many of the materials are also available online as streaming video.
If any member of your family is blind, deaf, or hard of hearing, your family qualifies for membership in the program and may check out library materials at no charge. Even the postage is covered by the program. I believe classroom teachers with qualifying students may also apply for membership.
We have checked out several good ASL instructional DVDs from DCMP in the past, and now I see that many of these (and others) can be viewed online as well. I’m thrilled; this is just what we need to carry us the next step down the road in our ASL studies.
The program is limited to students and their teachers, parents, not all withhearing loss. At one time, it was open to all, but, no longer, due to budget restrictions.
We have had experience with this program and would recommend it.