Swimming with Scapulars on Radio


If you haven’t yet read Matthew Lickona’s book, Swimming with Scapulars, now’s your chance to listen to it on audio. Catholic Radio International is airing a chapter a day as their current "Cover to Cover" feature. You can listen online here.

We’ve been so fortunate as to get to know Matthew and his delightful family since our move to San Diego. Our families are quite simpatico. But I had heard of Matthew and his terrific book long before we headed west: more than one friend recommended it to me with the words, "I think Scott would really like this. He’s got the same sense of humor."

They were right!

5 thoughts on “Swimming with Scapulars on Radio”

  1. Hey, I can’t wait to listen. I’m so curious to see if Matthew really has that Lickona sound. 🙂 I know his Uncle Terry, does a lot of audio work around here.

  2. Mary,
    So sorry – I’m not the one doing the reading. But there should be an interview with me up on the site in the near future… Thanks for checking it out! And say hi to Terry for me!

  3. The title amusses me, my 9 year old son is afraid that if he swims with his Scapular it will fall off in the pool and be lost.
    Thanks for the link too I will have to check it out.

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