If My Kids Get Wind of This, I’m in Trouble

MacBeth Derham, homeschooling naturalist extraordinaire, has posted a recommendation of Betsey Dexter Dyer’s book, A Field Guide to Bacteria, over at the Real Learning boards, complete with instructions for setting up your own windowsill bacteria farm. As if I needed help raising bacteria—ha! Isn’t that what kitchen floors are for?

But for you bacteria-deprived types, MacBeth’s post includes a link to a nifty animated demonstration of all the chemical changes and Other Scientific Stuff that happens inside a winogradsky column, which is the fancy technical name for windowsill bacteria farm. Icky, but cool.

2 thoughts on “If My Kids Get Wind of This, I’m in Trouble”

  1. Wow. I didn’t know anyone did that in an organized fashion. I always show off the molds from the back of the fridge to all the kids when they’re interesting and colorful (“You’ve gotta come see this mold!”). Ricotta Cheese seems to come out really neat. My kids reactions are…mixed. hehe

  2. LovetoLearnMom said:
    “I always show off the molds from the back of the fridge”
    That’s what I did just today … middle child asked if she could finish off a small block of cheese and I told her to check it over first. Luckily, we found that it was indeed a viable science project before she took a big bite….

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