Five Is the New Black

Or so says my husband, that renowned fashionista. Yet another of our fabulous neighbors was dropping off dinner yesterday, and of course she had to stop awhile to coo over the bairn.

“Oh, she makes me want another one!” said this mother of four.

“Yeah, you can join the Five Club!” I told her. My family is one of only two in the neighborhood to have five children. The other family moved here about six months ago, and between the two of us (or ten of us, to be precise), we’ve managed to completely destroy the neat symmetry of the neighborhood phone directory, which has column space for a maximum of four children per family.

Fabulous Mother of Four laughed and said, “I don’t know…”

“Go for it,” said Scott. “After all, five is the new black.”

Who knew I was so chic?

7 thoughts on “Five Is the New Black”

  1. Another great line from Scott.
    You inspire others wherever you go, so I’m sure five will be a trend!

  2. Yes, I’ve often noted how absolutely EVIIIIILLLLLLLL your husband is, particularly after The Dear One quoted this post to me.

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