The Down Side of Invulnerability

Overheard, Rose to Jane: "You know why I wouldn’t want to be Supergirl? She can never get her ears pierced!"

(Later, they decided that exposure to Red Kryptonite, just long enough for a needle to pierce the earlobe, would solve the problem—in its presence, Supergirl loses her invulnerability. Such are the weighty topics we discuss over Sunday dinner.)

Hard-of-Hearing Kid Posts

Still trying to tidy up my archives. Here are the most substantive posts I’ve written about Wonderboy’s hearing loss:

The Speech Banana (hearing loss diagnosis)

Getting Ear Molds Made
(a photoessay)

Practicing for Hearing Tests
(games to help preschoolers in the sound booth)

Speech Therapy at Home

Visual Phonics

Newborn Hearing Test Advice

Sign Language (how awesome it is)

Learning ASL as a Family

Fun with FM
(heh heh)

Expressive and Receptive Language