CityMom asked:
Here’s another nitty gritty question: what is in your arts and crafts cabinet? I think that this is an area in which we are lacking, and it would be good to have some things on hand for rainy summer days. Any website suggestions for craft supplies?
A while back I wrote about Waldorf art supplies and whether they were worth the money. A commenter recommended Discount School Supply as a good source for non-Waldorf materials—and I just realized that’s the same company running an ad in my lefthand sidebar at the moment. Scroll down and check them out!
My supply cupboard is pretty basic:
• Paper (White copy-machine paper for drawing, as it’s cheaper to buy in large quantities than real drawing paper; notebook paper; construction paper; and I stock up on card stock [ba dum bum] when Michael’s has a good sale, because it is so great for mini-book covers, bookmarks, paper dolls, etc etc etc. Jane has a million uses for card stock.)
• Crayons
• Prismacolor pencils (can’t live without ’em)
• Watercolors
• Markers
• Scissors
• Glue (sticks and Elmer’s)
• Stickers (I bought a big grab-bag of Mrs. Grossman’s stickers cheap at Timberdoodle seven years ago and we are still using them!)
• Sculpey
• Foam shapes (Found a tub on sale at Michael’s.)
• Holy cards
• Yarn
• Usborne drawing books—check my archives under “Art” for a list of our favorites.
For awesome liturgical-year-themed craft ideas, check out my pal Alice’s website. She is a crafting genius.
CityMom, I’ll have to save part two of your question for another post—baby just woke up!
(And I haven’t forgotten about the promised language arts post, either. Still to come.)