Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Email Address

My mail program is giving me fits. All my saved mail—including dozens of letters I needed to answer—has gone :::poof:::. Effective immediately, please use the following address instead: thebonnyglen (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you!

(And if I owe you a reply to something, I would be extremely grateful if you would resend. Thank you so much!)

There Is Nothing Better Than a Birth Announcement

Especially when it’s Alice’s baby. I am thrilled to pieces to announce the arrival of another beautiful blessing to her cottage. Alice gave birth to her seventh child, a baby girl, on June 13th. I’ve been bursting with the news ever since. Everything went smoothly, and mother and child are doing very well. They came home yesterday and were received with immense joy by five doting big sisters and one proud big brother.

I can’t wait to get my hands on that scrumptious little one…in the meantime I will have to make do with hourly reports from her mother. Dear Lissa, the baby just turned her head to look at me.—Dear Alice: Not enough information. Which WAY did she turn it?

God bless you, little one. We are so glad you’re here.

Hypothetical Question

If, say, you jokingly—really! no, no, not the least bit serious, and I do not protest too much, so just you hush—if you JOKINGLY published a request for chocolate at the bottom of a post, and it just so happened that you had the world’s very best friend who, as a JOKE hahahaha, sent you a giant box of Godiva chocolates—Godiva DARK chocolates—Godiva, do you hear me? that’s no joke—and a week* later you realized you had eaten the ENTIRE box except for the two cappucino truffles you saved for your husband out of the vast generosity of your heart and because he was, after all, the one who suffered the broken toe, and also because you don’t care for cappucino—if that happened (that was the hypothetical, and here’s the question) would you then announce it to millions of people the world over (or, um, hundreds at least) on, say, your blog?

Just curious.

*where “week” = “five days”

Stupid Idea

Deciding to paint your toenails when you are nine and a half months pregnant.

Seriously, I don’t know what possessed me. I never paint my nails. And I haven’t even seen my toes in three months. I can’t see them now.

Which may be a very good thing.