Hear, Hear

I think this is beautiful, and not just because she’s my best friend.

As time goes on, I am realizing more and more how important and unrepeatable these moments are with the children. I have been trying to say “yes” when they let me know they want my company. “Yes” when Patrick requests to sit on my lap while he watches a Kipper video, “yes” when Theresa asks to read me three chapters in a row of “Howliday Inn,” “yes” when Agnes slips downstairs to have a chat past bedtime, and “yes” when Margaret needs me to choose the colors for her latest artistic masterpiece. Nothing could be more important or worthy of my time.

It is an honor to be on the A-list of such great people.

I’m Game for a Game

Quoted from Atypicalhomeschool.net:

There is a game known as ‘6 Degrees of Separation’ (from Kevin Bacon – no relation to the best of my knowledge). The way the game works is to try to connect 2 famous people via 6 associations. We have been watching the blogsphere for the last year or so and believe that nearly all blogging homeschoolers will hear about important news items, etc. within 3 days of the first mention in a HS blog.

This experiment will work as follows:

1- If this is the first blog in which you have seen this post and you would like to contribute to the experiment, copy the entire post and post it in your blog.

2- Modify the post to add a link to your blog which displays the appropriate degree you are from the original in the following list:

{original, first degree, second degree, third degree, fourth degree, fifth degree, sixth degree}

That way, visitors can directly see the chain of communication that ended with this post in your blog.

3- Leave a comment in the blog where you first viewed this post indicating that your blog is among the next degree.

4- If you are a homeschooler or are interested in/considering homeschooling and either do not have a blog, would prefer not to blog this or the sixth degree is already taken, you can still contribute to this experiment by leaving a comment in the blog where you first read it.

5- After 3 days report back how many people read, commented and blogged based on your post to the blog where you first read this. (They only report this blog would receive is from the degree below and this blog will report the total from below and comments here to the degree above.) To illustrate how this would work let’s suppose that in this imaginary example every blog has approximately the same number of readers and that each blog entry for each degree ends up with exactly the same number of comments.

Let’s say that each blog would receive 2 comments where the experiment was posted and 2 comments from non-bloggers. This would produce the following:

original: 2 + 2 = 4
first: ( 2 * 2 ) + 2 = 6
second: ( 2 * 4 ) + 2 = 10
third: ( 2 * 8 ) + 2 = 18
fourth: ( 2 * 16 ) + 2 = 34
fifth: ( 2 * 32 ) + 2 = 66
sixth: ( 2 * 64 ) + 2 = 130

That totals 268. If you change the number of experiment posts to 3, the result is ( 5 + 11 + 29 + 83 + 245 + 731 + 2189 = ) 3293. Consider what the number would be when we average about 60 readers a day. (Welcome to math 101) Let’s allow a week for the reporting to roll back through the earlier degrees.

Five Words

You’ve heard me enthuse about the joys of American Sign Language before. Wonderboy’s hearing loss is our entire family’s gain. I’ve decided to share the wealth by adding a new feature to Bonny Glen: Learn ASL in five words a week.

Here’s a link to the wonderful ASL Browser, a site featuring video demonstrations of hundreds and hundreds of signs. Its setup won’t allow me to link directly to a specific word, but there’s an alphabetical listing for you to peruse.

Most of the signs at this site are demonstrated through a series of still photos instead of video, but I can link to individual words there. I recommend visiting the ASL Browser for a live-action demo of the words as well.

So, this week’s Five Words:




Thank you.

Hello. (This one’s at yet another site—the video’s a little choppy.)

And finally, a big thanks to the folks behind all these sites, whose hard work brings the beauty of ASL to the world, free for the taking!

Carnival Time

The first Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Why Homeschool. Lots of posts for the mind and heart. Great work, Henry and Janine.

Next week’s Carnival of Homeschooling will be hosted by On the Company Porch. Click here to submit a post.

And a Carnival recap:

Last week’s Carnival of Education.

Next week’s Carnival of Education.

The first Carnival of Unschooling.

More Carnivals than you can shake a stick at.

And finally, a post I’d love to see in a Carnival: What is Unschooling? at Every Waking Hour.