Why Moreena Is One of My Favorite Bloggers

Not to mention mothers. It’s because of posts like this one.

So tonight we went trick-or-treating, just like last year. This year,
Annika only made it to 5 houses before she announced that she was ready
to return home. But the other two girls, Frankie and our neighbor,
Sabrina, were just getting started. So I pulled Annika along in the
wagon while Sabrina and Frankie ran ahead to ring doorbells. Annika and
I talked about pumpkins and spiders and bats. We talked about what her
costume will be next year. And while I was getting ready to feel sorry
for her that she was missing out on trick-or-treating, I realized that this
was the celebration for her. Riding along in a wagon, bundled up in a
lovely new hand-me-down coat from Sabrina, her hair sprayed green and a
witch’s hat perched on top of her new coat’s hood.

This is the celebration. Amen to that, Moreena.

2 thoughts on “Why Moreena Is One of My Favorite Bloggers”

  1. She is absolutely one of my favorite blogs to read. Did you see the post about the haircuts? It was about a week ago. Too funny and too, too true.
    Hugs, Sarah

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