Category Archives: Southern California

San Diego October

My blogroll is bursting lately with beautiful autumn posts and
pictures. After so many years on the East Coast, I’m still not used to
fall here in Southern California.

Around here, autumn is blue and green

and hot pink

and candy-apple red

and sunny gold.

It’s definitely fall, though: nippy mornings, Santa-Ana-hot afternoons, fruits ripening on the neighbors’ trees.

The bees here are pink and white this time of year, did you know that?

This one could be a New England forest floor carpeted with pine needles

but really it’s a close-up of a palm tree’s trunk.

Ah, here’s an honest-to-goodness autumn color shot:

This one seems more like spring-comes-to-the-woods than suburban-yard-in-October.

But these are San Diego’s true colors:

We took these photos on a walk around the block earlier this week.

It wore some of us out.