The Cybils Are Announced

The winners of the Cybils, or Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers Literary Awards, have been announced over at Fuse #8.
If you’d like to see which books won the hearts of the kidlitosphere in
2006, hop on over for a look. In our year of upheaval (new baby, new
job, new home in a new state), I didn’t do much reading of newly
published books, so I haven’t read a single one of the winners. Yet.

back in the game now, though; my drafts folder is once again beginning
to fill up with reviews-in-progress. Ah, the bliss of Ordinary Time…)

In other book-blog news:

Did  you see the 7 Impossible Things interview with kidlit blogger Kelly Herold of Big A little a and The Edge of the Forest? I just love a chance to get to know the person behind the blog. Terrific interview.

And call me a proud mama, but I’m just tickled that my made-up word has now made it into print—in School Library Journal, no less! Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, a Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy has an excellent article about the kidlitosphere in the current issue (you can read it online). I’m honored to see Here in the Bonny Glen among her list of the best book blogs. Thanks, Liz.

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