You Know You’re a Fifth Child When…

Oh, sure, you can toss off a nice "Mama" or "Dada" when you feel like it, but your REAL first word, and the word you prefer to use ninety percent of the time, is "This." As in: I want THIS or I’ve got THIS or THIS is mine. Such a useful word, adaptable to so many purposes.


THIS can’t be beat.

13 thoughts on “You Know You’re a Fifth Child When…”

  1. The girls are reading over my shoulder and want me to tell you that Ramona’s first real, very clear word was, “MINE.”
    Rilla is absolutely adorable!

  2. Sounds like she’s halfway there. One more word to go: THAT. Once she gets that one down, she need only learn to communicate her desire for THAT to become THIS. (And she can have it all!)

  3. Oh, that is one cute baby! And she’s in good company. Our third learned to say “this” waaaaayyyy before learning to say “mama.”

  4. It’s so amazing to me how kids first words so clearly reflect their realities!. Sean’s first word (pampered first born that he was!) was “baba” (yes, bottle). Cary’s, athletically inclined as he still appears to be was Ball (dad says it was footBALL).. and baby Kayleigh? At 11 mos., her word was “Hi”.. I think she’ll be a socialite of sorts! 😀

  5. My fifth child’s word is “other”, as in not that one- the “other” one. Or as in not what you want to give me- the “other” one I shouldn’t have!

  6. My fifth child’s first word was “one”, as in, “I want one”. 🙂

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