A Rabble of Butterflies

Did you know rabble was the collective noun pertaining to butterflies? According to this site, swarm also applies. Neither one quite fits, if you ask me. Hmm…a blessing of butterflies? A rustle of butterflies?

Whatever you call it, Cindy’s got it. She found some forty-odd monarch butterfly chrysalises (and correspondingly bare milkweed plants) outside her home yesterday. Neat pictures, especially the last one.

4 thoughts on “A Rabble of Butterflies”

  1. Thank you Lissa for the link to Cindy’s butterfly post and photos. My dd2 is just becoming insect friendly again. She will love the photos!

  2. The website reminds of “An Exaltation of Larks” by James Lipton, which I had to locate on the shelf the other week when dd wanted to know the proper term for “a flock of robins” (which we had in the yard at the time). I’d tell you but I can’t get the book away from my kid lol.

  3. I keep meaning to check that book out of the library, Becky. Thanks for the reminder!
    “A fluttering of butterflies”—beautiful!
    Rebecca, I’m amazed your dd will even look at a bug after that spider encounter. Your post about it made me shudder and guffaw at the same time.

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