Category Archives: Links

Tuesday Links

Friday Links

Thursday Links

Tuesday Links

Monday Links

  • SouleMama: For 2009
    – Oh oh oh!!! Have you bought your 2009 wall calendar yet? I usually
    pick out an artist’s calendar for the year, but I might just have to go
    with Amanda Soule’s A Year of Craft instead. That red bird against aqua
    wall photo is the one that made me fall in love with her blog. ETA: Oh,
    shoot. It’s 28.95. Hard to justify spending more than 12 bucks on a
    calendar, especially this year. I’ll just have to keep up my ceaseless
    clicking around her blog.
  • FreeRice: Subjects
    – Many thanks to Karen Edmisten for pointing out that FreeRice has
    added all kinds of new subjects to its "play this and we’ll donate rice
    to the World Food Program" game. I am loving the famous paintings quiz!
  • Wonderful noodle stretching and folding video – Boing Boing – Fold the dough 12 times to get 4,096 noodles. Awesome. Jane, this one’s for you.

Sunday Links

Saturday Links

Saturday Links

  • Excellent piece on the importance of play, with great quotes at the end.

  • The unschooling blog carnival is hosted this month by Silvia of Po Moyemu. Good stuff there!

  • A new Signing Time DVD! A NEW SIGNING TIME DVD!!!!!

  • Wow. I want to take a class with this guy. Or better yet, just have him come over and walk through town with us. Dr. Stilgoe, you have a standing invitation, hear?

    "Harvard, he says, has some of the finest students in the world, but he believes most of them are visual illiterates. Their academic lives have been programmed around verbal and mathematical tests that will get them into a good college, but he says they lack a sense of spontaneity.
    “I think they’ve missed a kind of self-guided, non-organized activity, non-sports activity growing up. Wandering around, getting into things. And the assumption seems to be nowadays is if a child isn’t in an organized activity, the child is a criminal,” says Stilgoe. “But as far as I can understand, most of my colleagues I work with seem to have found their careers by being slightly disorganized. Lucking into something, you know.”
    (tags: unschooling seeing learning)