Because I Am Such a Contrarian

I’m not sure when I became a contrarian—I don’t think I
started out this way, but my parents could speak to that better than I
could—but I cannot deny that the pattern in my adult life has been that
if I sense myself being ushered toward a box, I make a sharp left—or
right, you can’t pigeonhole me that way either—and dash away from the
box as fast as I can. Even if—no, especially if—I’m the one who created and announced the box.

So it shouldn’t have surprised me that the very moment I declared on Bonny Glen Up Close that my fabulous new notebooking system
had rendered that poor little side-blog obsolete, I would find myself
compelled to post there more than ever. Big long chatty posts such as
I’ve not written there in a long time, or maybe ever. And now that I’m
calling my own attention to this shift, it’s entirely possible the
chattiness will dry right up. Except that now I’ve called my own attention to that possibility. So there’s no telling what will happen.

One thought on “Because I Am Such a Contrarian”

  1. Lissa, you are too funny! Join the contrarians club: anytime I’d try to diet in college (which is a freshman female must-do) I would eat so much more because I was trying NOT to deny myself …. tis a real quandary I get myself into and sometimes I get myself into quite a tangle. I think that’s why I can never do psych tests or “temperament” analyses as I try to figure out HOW I should answer, or what THEY want me to answer, or try to answer HONESTLY … and I end up with skewed results….
    Again, welcome to the club!

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