It’s 10 PM. Do You Know Where Your Post Is?

The reason I haven’t posted yet today is because last night I read this post by Willa which mentioned this post by Sandra Dodd, which put me in the mood to work a jigsaw puzzle. So this morning I dug out the Global Puzzle, which has been in the basement for three years. I remember because the last (and first) time we worked it, I was pregnant with Wonderboy. None of the kids remembered it, and we spent all day hunched over the coffee table, exclaiming over the relative size of countries.

If you don’t know this puzzle, it’s awesome. And HARD. In a fun way. It’s a map of the world, and unlike other map puzzles, in this one the pieces are cut to match the individual countries. (Except a few really tiny ones clumped together. Very challenging! I need not point out what a terrific geography lesson it is.


Now good night! I have to go finish Africa.